Sunday, December 27, 2009


When I am in Florida visiting my family, I seem to spend a disproportionate amount of time on the internet on research tangents. I really love finding interesting diagrams and infographics. I think that both of these are from the super sweet blog- Strange Maps.

Sunday, December 13, 2009

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Fall and into Winter

A wonderful, breathlessly busy fall is officially over up at Penland School of Crafts for one very tired Mark. I realize that my first full year as a Core student has gone by. It is a time of reflection, as I sit here at my parents home in Florida (where I can hear the ocean from my bed). In list form, here is some of what happened:

Core Fellowship Show:
I got to show my work next to 8 other incredibly talented fellowship students. Also I got to ride in a submarine.
Blacksmithing Concentration: I learned all about blacksmithing from the inimitable Jay Burnham-Kidwell. Apparently you can move iron in nearly any way imaginable. I feel like even after two months of forging, I have barely begun to slightly scratch the surface. Hopefully continuing to work in the shop over the winter will help tighten up the ol' skill-set.
Showed Some Work: Currently, two shows. One in Knoxville, Tennessee and one in Sewanee, Tennessee. I have 7 drawings in the Knoxville show and some machines and drawings in the Sewanee show(organized by Mark Boyd with the ShoestringArtists collective).
Lost Touch with Lots of Awesome People: I'm SORRY! I've been busy. Winter is the time for re-connecting.

So, this winter I plan on hopefully taking pictures of work I've made(which should hopefully mean a number of new posts), starting some new projects, and getting ready for my next year as a Core student. Man oh man. Good luck.

Current Areas of Interest: Craft Materials, Hand Tools (making and using), Oxen, Science Fiction, Riveting, Drawings in Space

Sunday, September 20, 2009

Saturday, August 29, 2009

A Question of Harmony

(for scale comparison)

This monstrosity is something I built during Leddelle Moe's class, "Armatures and Skins". The pictures above show two anemographs connected by a funnel form which is covered in plastic. I am curious about the relationship between the drawings produced by two anemographs under (nearly) identical wind stimulus. I am curious: will the drawings be harmonious? The two anemographs are similar in design, but vastly different in scale. I need to work a little more on this piece, but it should be completed in the near future, hopefully in time for the Core show in October.

Database of Anemographical Images, Pt. 3

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Sunny Ridge Lane, Durham, NC

My old room

My Favorite Store in the Whole World

I have been feeling nostalgic for Mississippi recently, and I wanted to share these pictures of the best rummage store I have ever been to. It does not have a name, or prices on anything, and I am pretty sure it is made entirely out of tin. When it rains, you cannot hear anybody speak. That's how I bought a reel to reel for dirt cheap.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

On the Lido

I have been slowly re-reading "Death in Venice" by Thomas Mann. I spent a period in Venice, Italy while an undergraduate. "Death in Venice" encapsulates perfectly the feeling of strange melancholy that exists in Venice. These pictures are from the Lido Beach area, an island near Venice where the protagonist in the story stays at a fancy hotel. While I was in Venice it was the winter and spring season, so the resorts had a peculiar, deserted feel, especially on cold and windy days.

Friday, July 17, 2009

Moby Dick

I am in love with books- I have been ever since I read my first; "Ugg the Caveman". I can clearly remember finishing it on the way to the dentist when I was in first grade, and ever since I have never not been in the process of reading a book (or several at once). As a way to break through a slump/ transition last spring, I began to write chapters of "Moby Dick" by Herman Melville by hand. They are on pieces of paper cut into whale shapes, and are bound at the end of a harpoon (beautifully made by Mike Rossi).

Sunday, July 12, 2009

30th Post: A Special Tribute to the Lite Sounds of the 70's

Well, this is my thirtieth post, and to celebrate I am presenting a series of videos from youtube. It's been quite a while since I have written anything here, so I will take a few moments to explain my love of the smooth, lite sounds of the 70's. Primarily, it reminds me of the summers of my childhood, driving around in my mom's van. Now, I was not born in the 70's. I was a child of the mid and late 80's, but when my mom listened to the radio, she would listen to the soft classic rock station in Jacksonville (Lite 96.1) This is all before I was old enough to really have opinions of music, but I realize now that this music is much more influential on my own personal taste than I would ever like to admit. Say what you will, these are some great songs, and the perfect way to celebrate a summer. Thanks.

Thats right, two Fleetwood Mac videos. That's just how good they are.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Sunday, July 5, 2009

Kegs of Acid Tour Documents, Pt. 2

Thanks to Ellen and Richard for taking most of these pictures.

Our 7" Cover for our split with Prince Rama. If you want one, let me know. I'd be stoked to sell you one for cheap.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Drawn on Brown Paper


I am not sure what these shapes are. Eggs, stones, topographical maps of hills, growth rings, thumbprints. Made from gesso (black and white) and blue opaque pigment markers.