A wonderful, breathlessly busy fall is officially over up at Penland School of Crafts for one very tired Mark. I realize that my first full year as a Core student has gone by. It is a time of reflection, as I sit here at my parents home in Florida (where I can hear the ocean from my bed). In list form, here is some of what happened:
Core Fellowship Show: I got to show my work next to 8 other incredibly talented fellowship students. Also I got to ride in a submarine.
Blacksmithing Concentration: I learned all about blacksmithing from the inimitable Jay Burnham-Kidwell. Apparently you can move iron in nearly any way imaginable. I feel like even after two months of forging, I have barely begun to slightly scratch the surface. Hopefully continuing to work in the shop over the winter will help tighten up the ol' skill-set.
Showed Some Work: Currently, two shows. One in Knoxville, Tennessee and one in Sewanee, Tennessee. I have 7 drawings in the Knoxville show and some machines and drawings in the Sewanee show(organized by Mark Boyd with the
ShoestringArtists collective).
Lost Touch with Lots of Awesome People: I'm SORRY! I've been busy. Winter is the time for re-connecting.
So, this winter I plan on hopefully taking pictures of work I've made(which should hopefully mean a number of new posts), starting some new projects, and getting ready for my next year as a Core student. Man oh man. Good luck.
Current Areas of Interest: Craft Materials, Hand Tools (making and using), Oxen, Science Fiction, Riveting, Drawings in Space